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Anti-bullying Policy 2024-2025

Anti-Bullying Policy


Anti-bullying Policy

Approval date: November 2022

Reviewed: Sep 2024

Review by Oct 2025


Bullying involves dominance of one person by another, or a group of others, is pre-meditated and usually forms a pattern of behaviour. Therefore it is usually defined as behaviour that is:

  • Repeated
  • Intended to hurt someone either physically or emotionally
  • Often aimed at certain groups, e.g. because of race, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

It takes many forms and can include:

  • Physical assault
  • Teasing
  • Making threats
  • Name calling
  • Cyberbullying – bullying via mobile phone or online (e.g. email, social networks and instant messenger).

Bullying hurts. No one deserves to be a victim of bullying. Everybody has the right to be treated with respect. Pupils who are bullying need to learn the different ways of behaving.

It is important to understand that bullying is not the odd occasion of falling out with friends, name calling, arguments or when the occasional trick or joke is played on someone. It is bullying if it is done several times on purpose. Children sometimes fall out or say things because they are upset. When occasional problems of this kind arise it is not classed as bullying. It is an important part of children’s development to learn how to deal with friendship breakdowns, the odd name calling or childish pranks. We all have to learn how to deal with these situations and develop social skills to repair relationships and it is the school's role to support pupils in doing this. Any incidents of this nature will be dealt with suitably using our Behaviour Policy.

Aims and Procedures

  • Bullying is wrong and damages individual children. We therefore do all we can to prevent it, by developing a school ethos in which bullying is regarded as unacceptable.
  • We aim, as a school, to produce a safe and secure environment where all can learn without anxiety.
  • This policy aims to produce a consistent school response to any bullying incidents that may occur.
  • We aim to make all those connected with the school aware of our opposition to bullying, and we make clear each person’s responsibilities with regard to the eradication of bullying in our school.

Responding to incidents when they occur

Pupils who have been bullied should report this to:

  • Any member of staff (Teachers, Teaching Assistants or Senior Leaders).
  • Their class member of the school council
  • Their parents
  • A school friend

Pupils who see others being bullied should report this to:

  • Any of the above

Members of staff who receive reports that a pupil has been bullied should report this to:

  • A member of the senior leadership team

Reports of bullying will be logged:

  • By the class teacher and/or a member of the senior leadership team on CPOMS

Where bullying is of a racist or homophobic, bi-phobic or transphobic nature, we will report this to the Local Education Authority.

All reports will be taken seriously and will be followed up by the class teacher or member of SLT.

Work with children who have been bullied could involve some or all of the following:

  • They will be reassured that they do not deserve to be bullied and this is not their fault.
  • We will assure them that it was right to report the incident.
  • We will try to ascertain the extent of the problem.
  • We will engage them in making choices about how the matter may be resolved.
  • We will try to ensure that they feel safe.
  • We will discuss strategies for being safe and staying safe.
  • We will ask them to report immediately any further incidents to the senior leadership team.
  • We will affirm that bullying can be stopped and that our school will persist with intervention until it does.
  • We will involve their friends/older pupils in peer support/circle of friends.

We may then adopt strategies from the following list as appropriate:

  • We will interview the pupil (or pupils) involved in bullying separately.
  • We will listen to their version of events.
  • We will talk to anyone else who may have witnessed the bullying.
  • We will reinforce the message that bullying is not acceptable, and that we expect bullying to stop.
  • We will seek a commitment to this end.
  • We will affirm that it is right for pupils to let us know when they are being bullied.
  • We will adopt a joint problem solving approach where this is appropriate, and ask pupils involved to help us find solutions to the problem. This will encourage pupils involved to take responsibility for the emotional and social needs of others.
  • We will consider sanctions under our school’s Behaviour Policy.
  • We will advise pupils responsible for bullying that we will be checking to ensure that bullying stops.
  • We will ensure that those involved know that we have done so.
  • When bullying occurs, we will contact the parents of the pupils involved at an early stage.

We will follow up after incidents to check that the bullying has not started again.

  • We will also work with pupils who have been involved in bullying others to ascertain the sort of support that they themselves need.

There is a tendency, often quite a natural one, to want to investigate an incident and “get to the bottom of it”. Sometimes this will be entirely appropriate. There will be other occasions where an extended investigation is actually unhelpful and where a problem solving approach will be the most effective response.

Our policy will be to use our discretion to respond flexibly and in an appropriate way to each occasion.

When tougher measures are needed

If necessary, we will invoke the range of sanctions that are in line and stated within the school’s Behaviour Policy.

The role of Governors

  • The Governing body supports the Head teacher in all attempts to eliminate bullying from our school. This policy statement makes it clear that the governing body does not allow bullying to take place in our school, and that any incidents of bullying that do occur are taken very seriously and dealt with appropriately.
  • The governing body monitors incidents of bullying that occur, and reviews the effectiveness of the school policy regularly. The governors require the Head teacher to keep accurate records of all incidents of bullying and to report to the governors on request about the effectiveness of school anti-bullying strategies.

The role of the Head teacher

  • It is the responsibility of the Head teacher to implement the school anti-bullying strategy and to ensure that all staff (both teaching and non-teaching) are aware of the school policy and know how to deal with incidents of bullying. The Head teacher reports to the governing body about the effectiveness of the anti-bullying policy on request.
  • The Head teacher ensures that all children know that bullying is wrong, and that it is unacceptable behaviour in our school. The Head teacher draw the attention of children to this fact at suitable moments. For example, if an incident occurs, the Head teacher may decide to use assembly as a forum in which to discuss with other children why this behaviour was wrong, and why a pupil is being punished.  
  • The Head teacher ensures that all staff receive sufficient training to be equipped to deal with all incidents of bullying.
  • The Head teacher sets the school climate of mutual support and praise for success, so making bullying less likely. When children feel they are important and belong to a friendly and welcoming school, bullying is far less likely to be part of their behaviour.

The role of the teacher

  • Teachers in our school take all forms of bullying seriously, and intervene to prevent incidents from taking place. They keep their own records of all incidents that happen in their class on CPOMS and make others aware in the school.
  • If teachers witness an act of bullying, they do all they can to support the child who is being bullied. If a child is being bullied over a period of time, then, after consultation with the Head teacher, the teacher informs the child’s parents.
  • If, as teachers, we become aware of any bullying taking place between members of a class, we will deal with the issue immediately. This may involve counselling and support for the victim of the bullying, and punishment for the child who has carried out the bullying. We spend time talking to the child who has been bullied: we explain why the action of the child was wrong, and we endeavour to help the child change their behaviour in the future. If a child is repeatedly involved in bullying other children, we inform the Head teacher. We then invite the child’s parents into the school to discuss the situation. In more extreme cases, for example where these initial discussions have proven ineffective, the Head teacher may contact external support agencies such as social services.
  • Opportunities exist for teachers to attend training, which enables them to become equipped to deal with incidents of bullying and behaviour management.
  • Teachers attempt to support all children in their class and to establish a climate of trust and respect for all. By praising, rewarding and celebrating success of all children, we aim to prevent incidents of bullying.

The role of parents

  • Parents who are concerned that their child might be being bullied, or who suspect that their child may be the perpetrator of bullying, should contact their child’s class teacher immediately.
  • Parents have a responsibility to support the school’s anti-bullying policy and to actively encourage their child to be a positive member of the school.

Monitoring and review

  • This policy is reviewed regularly by the Head teacher, who reports to governors about the effectiveness of the policy on request.
  • This anti-bullying policy is the governors’ responsibility and they review its effectiveness annually. They do this by examining the school’s anti-bullying logbook/CPOMS reports, and by discussion with the Head teacher. Governors analyse information with regard to gender, age and ethnic background or all children in bullying incidents.

Teaching and Learning Curriculum links to bullying

‘Bullying’, ‘Online Safety behaviour’ and ‘Caring for each other’ is taught explicitly to all of the children in our school. The vast majority of this takes place within PSHE lessons (supported by Jigsaw),alternative curriculum and Computing lessons (supported by Purple Mash). Below are some examples of when and where in our curriculum bullying and online safety is explicitly taught to our children (please note this is not an exhaustive list):


  • Reception Autumn Term - ‘Being Me in my World’ - care about other people’s feelings - I can use gentle hands and understand that it is good to be kind to people
  • Year 1 Spring Term - ‘Celebrating Difference’ - know how to help someone that is being bullied/try to solve problems - I understand how being bullied might feel/I can be kind to children who are bullied
  • Year 4 Summer Term - ‘Relationships’ - show respect in ow to treat others - I know how to stand up for myself and how to negotiate and compromise
  • Year 6 Autumn Term - ‘Celebrating Difference’ - try to solve problems:why bully? - I can tell you a range of strategies for managing my feelings in bullying situations and for problem solving when I’m part of one

Computing (Online Safety/Cyberbullying):

  • Year 1 Autumn Term - Online Safety - key knowledge: to understand the importance of logging out
  • Year 3 Spring Term - Online Safety - key knowledge: to learn methods for keeping passwords safe
  • Year 5 Summer Term - Online Safety - key knowledge: to review sources of support when using technology and children’s responsibilities to one another in their online behaviour


  • We want to celebrate the individuality of every child in a positive and caring environment, where everyone takes responsibility for themselves and each other.
  •  The positive atmosphere and firm boundaries nurture children’s social, moral and emotional development, rewarding their desire to make good choices, through the Co-op Ways of Being.
  • We aim to support children to understand the positive and negative consequences of their actions and choices beyond the school gates and into adulthood.
  • By working together, child, parent and teacher, every child will achieve their full potential.

Contact details

Name of organisation

Telephone number


Act Against Bullying

0845 230 2560 

Advisory Centre for Education (ACE)

0207 704 3370 



Anti-Bullying Alliance (ABA)

0207 843 1901 

Anti-bullying network

0131 651 6103 


0845 338 5060 

Bully Free Zone

01204 454 958 

Bullying Online

020 7378 1446 




0800 1111


084510 205 204 


0207 825 2500 

Parentline Plus

0808 800 2222 

The Children’s Legal Centre

0800 783 2187 

The Office of the Children’s Commissioner

0844 800 9113 

UK Government Website
