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Co-op-Academies-Equality-Objectives.303920875 (2)

Our equality objectives

Approved by the Trust Board on 04 March 2024

Applicable from April 2024


These equality objectives were approved by the Trust Board on 04 March 2024 and published on the Trust’s website as part of our commitment to the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED). Under the PSED, we must review our equality objectives at least every four years and report on their progress annually.

Objective 1: to embed equality, diversity and inclusion into the curriculum and teaching & learning practices



The Trust and its academies will work towards a curriculum and teaching & learning practices which:

  • are inclusive - all pupils and staff are welcomed and valued
  • show respect for and appreciation of one another as individuals
  • prepare pupils for life in a diverse society by encouraging respect for linguistic, cultural and religious diversity that exists in local communities and the wider world
  • develop personal and cultural identity in all pupils
  • widen the educational and personal horizons of all pupils if limited by factors that compromise equality
  • are proactive in tackling discrimination
  • promote benefits of diversity

We will work with our sponsor, the Co-op, to develop a new anti-racism curriculum so that the next generation understands what it means to be anti-racist.

Objective 2: to embed equality, diversity and inclusion into the broader organisation


The Trust and its academies will work towards this objective by:

each academy monitors and analyses pupil achievement and progress by ethnicity, gender and disability and acts on any trends or patterns in this data, which identify the need for additional support for pupils to narrow the gap for equality groups.

  • Each academy publishes a statement describing the actions it intends to take to advance equality, diversity, and inclusion during the forthcoming academic year (or from the date of joining the Trust). The headteacher/Principal will provide a report annually upon request to enable trust-wide reporting.
  • We will ensure that, as we adopt a Trust-wide HR information system, this incorporates the ability to provide robust reporting on and monitoring of equality data.
  • Further developing reporting on our gender pay gap and – in future – other pay gaps (e.g. ethnicity), and taking positive action to reduce these gaps where possible.
  • Steps should be taken to address the risk of bias and discriminatory behaviour, initially by raising awareness of this facet of equality and diversity through leadership training and ensuring that ‘blind recruitment’ takes place for all roles across the Trust.
  • Creating and promoting opportunities for staff voice, debate & dialogue​ within the Trust around these key issues.