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Equality and Diversity Objectives 2023-25

Equality objective

Action to be taken

Success Criteria


To ensure our behaviour management systems are fair and equitable to support children effectively and build effective systems of support to improve children’s social and emotional development, including mental health.

  • Monitoring behaviour incidents and identifying patterns
  • Modifying our interventions to meet the changing needs of our students
  • Map out key interventions to support pupils
  • Ensure all staff have received CPD on key policies in school including the behaviour policy, the anti-bullying policy and attendance policy
  • Provide staff and parents with appropriate support on behaviour management strategies
  • Monitor the consistency and application of the behaviour policy and recording systems to ensure fair and consistent use of rewards and sanctions.
  • Records evidence that sanctions and rewards are applied across the academy with consistency and fairness.
  • Intervention pathways allow teachers and staff to put consistent and effective interventions where behaviour is a challenge.
  • Behaviour data does not show that any one group is disproportionately represented.

  • Behaviour data is logged per year group and against the characteristics. No gaps in terms of protected characteristics with suspensions or internal exclusions.
  • CPD delivered for all staff on managing behaviour effectively
  • Training received on protected characteristics and both language and mechanisms for dealing with behaviours related to these.( racist, homophobic bullying)
  • 16 racist incidents in 2022-23 a reduction from 2021-22 (23)
  • 10 racist incidents in 2023-24
  • Case reviews for behaviour logs termly

To continue to promote understanding and respect for diversity within the school and school community through a diverse and inclusive curriculum.

  • Teaching a broad, rich and deep curriculum
  • Give parents frequent opportunities to gain a better understanding of our curriculum and provide school with feedback
  • Ensure that all learning is inclusive and that scaffolding and challenge is used effectively to support all learners
  • Work with local and national external agencies to identify trends and where curriculum adaptations – either short term or long term – are required
  • Seek external curriculum support and work with other Co-op Academies Trust schools for seeking best practice in including cultural capital in the curriculum

  • The curriculum knowledge and skills meet the needs of the community that we serve.
  • Lessons support the development of all pupils and are planned to minimise barriers to learning.
  • Pupils are explicitly taught about equity and diversity through a strong PHSE curriculum and the wider curriculum.

Protected Characteristics Coverage

  • Equality and diversity training delivered to teachers. Focus on this is how we usualise and actualise teaching and of diversity. Making sure all pupils have representation
  • PHSE curriculum has been improved to ensure that the needs of the community is reflected.
  • Equality and diversity committee introduced.
  • International day
  • Academy working towards Anti racist award (Leeds Beckett)

To promote equality of opportunity in enrichment activities and learning experiences

  • Offering sufficient places to enrichment activities so all who wish to participate are able to
  • Supporting payments for enrichment activities making them as cost effective as possible to families
  • Offering a range of curriculum experiences in all year groups
  • Ensure there is a range of activities to meet the needs of our children
  • Offer additional staffing or other forms of support to give every child the best possible chance of taking part
  • Regularly monitoring uptake of activities
  • Offer lunchtime activities to overcome barriers of after school attendance.
  • All pupils have equal access to after school and enrichment activities.
  • Barriers to attendance of after school or enrichment activities are removed where possible.
  • Attendance to after school or enrichment activities is well attended by all groups.
  • School sports attendance offer
  • Pupil voice on how to engage.
  • Attendance to wider offer tracked.
  • Equality and diversity committee developed
  • Enrichment offer includes gardening, art, chess, manderin