At Nightingale, attendance is our priority. We love to celebrate great attendance!
Children who attend 100% are 5 times more likely to work at, or above, the expected standard.
Coming to school everyday allows your child to get the best possible education. We’ll work with you to help your child attend as much as they can. We’ve got a great attendance so please get in touch if you’re having difficulties.
Missing school means children could fall behind. This impacts on children’s social and emotional wellbeing.
Our school day
The school day starts at 8:45am.
Children should be inside school and ready to learn by 8:55am.
The school day ends at 3:30pm.
Arriving late
Arriving after this time will be recorded as being late. Regular lateness is reported to the Local Authority and can result in a Punctuality Penalty Notice being given.
School absence
Lateness after 9:30am will be recorded as an unauthorised absence, this will impact on your child’s overall attendance.
Reporting absences
You must contact school to let us know the reason and the expected date back. (Our attendance team may need medical proof to authorise this)
Try to make all medical appointments outside of school hours. We know this isn’t always possible, but please attempt to bring your child into school before and after appointments.
If we don’t receive a call when a child is absent, we’ll ring or visit home.
Unauthorised absence
Absences, (such as holidays during term time) that are unauthorised, could result in a fine from Leeds City Council.
Our policy states that absence during term time will not be authorised.
Exceptional Leave
Parents and Carers must request this. Pop in or get in touch for the form to fill out.